Tuesday, February 14, 2012

7 Years Later: Radioactive Vday

7 years ago today, I went radioactive for Valentine's Day.  Thanks to the Manhattan Project and the iodine-absorbing qualities of the thyroid, "chemotherapy" for thyroid cancer takes on the form of a pill that you swallow.  Pretty amazing actually.

It was the most special Valentine's Day delivery I have ever had.  Said "pill" comes in a very unique package with a very specific procedure.  Step one: enter closet sized room by yourself.  Step two: notice various people coming in and out of the room in head to toe radioactive suit gear.  Step three: watch a airplane-like drink cart be rolled into your little space by another radioactive suit gear person (RASGP).  Step four:  RASGP speaks, "Lizzy.  So, I am going to open this box and then I am going to need you to just swallow this like a pill.  Here are your radio-active fall out instructions.  Do you have any questions?"  Step five: Just say no.  Step six: One compartment, two compartment, three compartment, four.  Swallow the pill, and RASGP is out the door.

Done and done.  I swallowed a pill that has "fall out" instructions.  Including that my family was to leave my meals for the next 24 hours outside of my room door and I was to come pick them up myself.  Kind of like Sloth from The Goonies.  (He turned out to be a real sweetheart).  But Dad brought it to my bedside anyways.  It was Valentine's Day after all.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Oh Blog and Tell Me When Lent Begins

Oh blog of mine.  I have neglected you.  Too much sickness, too little energy to type...

I am not sure about your neck of the woods, but mine has been virus-ridden and sleepy-laden.  Hibernation might have been a better option for January. 

But!, the holidays were lovely and February is well on its way.  Both involve a lot of red, which is my new favorite color.  Good book ends to a icky sicky month. 

And, once again, I am back at it.  Gone are the excuses; here is the resolve.   I need to tell the rest of my 7 Years Later story, I want to tell you about Project I See You,  I have a storyline in my head about the Church that needs critiquing...  When does lent begin?  (Forgive me, I was raised in non-liturgical tradition; loving and lovely though it was).  I think I will blog daily for that season.

Next up:  memories of a radioactive Valentine's Day.